Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Long Overdue Change at ISSA

The Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association announced recently that there has been a change at the top of the Association (see article - http://www.sportsjamaica.com/read_article.php?id=9522). Dr. Walton Small defeated the incumbent Clement Radcliffe for the post of President of the Association.
For me this change has been long overdue. The final straw it appears came with the whole Coca-Cola and Pepsi sponsorship fiasco. Coca Cola as I understand it put forward a better sponsorhip offer than Pepsi, but due to Pepsi's long association with schoolboy football they got the nod. This may be a good or may be a bad decision, but that can only be determined once all the facts are made available. In the meantime schoolboy football and our future 'ballers' remain pawns in this never ending game.
It is my belief that the football side of ISSA has performed miserably under Mr. Radcliffe and his approach in general is what led to his ouster. For a long time I have held the belief that ISSA has a huge role to play in the development of new football talent in Jamaica and ISSA under Mr. Radcliffe seemed not to care. Dr. Small however wasted no time in stating that one of his main objectives was to look about football's welfare. Jamaica's failure to qualify for Korea 2007 U-17 World Cup is a testament to the poor quality of the ISSA competitions. Under Mr. Radcliffe ISSA as well failed to respond adequately to the government of Jamaica's decision to abolish the system of designating schools traditional high schools. What this led to was an influx of new schools into the ISSA competitions which devalued them. Schools could enter and exit competitions as they felt obliged to and have no minimum standards to meet.
This change is quite refreshing, at least for now. Here's hoping that Dr. Small sets about revamping the entire system as it relates to football. One of the things I believe ISSA should institute a tiered divisional system to help restore excitement and luster to the ISSA Manning and daCoata Cup competitions.

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