Tuesday, June 12, 2007

West Indies Tour of England

I can quite understand the present wave of optimism flowing through the West Indies cricket team. It may seem like we have been here before. But for me the biggest contributor to the most recent hype is the appointment of Darren Ganga as 'skipper' or captain. His appointment for me is roughly five years too late but 'better late than never' as the saying goes. Had we been serious about our cricket in the region he would have been captain at age 22 years much the same way South Africa did it with Graeme Smith. But our administrators were too cowardly and many of our fellow West Indians too fickle to realise that we needed to plan for the future. We took a gamble on Brian Lara that he could all by himself cure the ills of the 'Windies' by means of his abundant talent. What they failed to realise was that Mr. Lara needs strong management like any other super-talented athlete in the Caribbean. Ganga was that level head that was needed. In my view he has excellent leadership skills and though many knock his performance with the bat, and I tend to agree with them, I however think it is due the fact that the vibes in the team isn't right. If you don't give leaders a chance to lead they tend to rebel or drift away. I think that is what happened to Ganga. After all his performance for Trinidad and Tobago are not that bad, are they?
Well all that is in the past and guess what, we had to appoint him captain anyway. I expect his leadership skills to blossom out fully and no doubt as his confidence increases and his players begin to trust his abilities we all will see on display one of the best captains that the West Indies would have seen in quite a long while.

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